by Udo Birnbaum
Is it fair for lawyers to contribute to judges?
It is not against the law, but is it right?
TERESA DRUM, candidate for 294th District Judge, is not accepting campaign contributions.
TOMMY WALLACE, in office for fourteen (14) years, is and has been taking contributions. (Courthouse records).
If you were in Wallace's Court:
Beware: There are no warning labels!
Wallace was appointed in 1988. He claims "experience" and having been "elected again in 1990, 1994, and 1998". He is not telling you he was the only candidate at each "election", and you could not have voted him out if you wanted to. The "appointive - elective system": appoint in, nobody dares run against him, he stays in! When he "resigns", appoint another "good old boy", can't get him out either!
My "experience" in Wallace's court spans over seven (7) years, and the case still hangs in there since 1995! I can speak from personal "experience".
"Retire" him immediately at the polls! For $100,000 per year plus "perks" we deserve better! Stop predatory litigation. They ran a fraudulent "beaver dam" scheme up into $122,000 in judgments against me. Read all about it at:
For the first time in fourteen (14) years we have a choice! Elect TERESA DRUM, who does not take campaign contributions.
Break the cycle of injustice
or you could be next in his courtroom!
"All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing" -- Edmund Burke.
VOTE Nov. 5th!
pol. adv by Udo Birnbaum, 540 Van Zandt CR 2916, Eustace, TX 75124